RAM Forensics Trilogy – Part II [Ottawa Chapter welcomes all members to join us on Zoom]
RAM Forensics Trilogy – Part II [Ottawa Chapter welcomes all members to join us on Zoom]
Tuesday, April 12, 2022 (6:00 PM - 7:00 PM) (EDT)
Speaker: Andrew Caldwell
Bio: Andrew started his journey into cyber security as a co-op from Algonquin College in Ottawa and recruited after a CTF (Capture The Flag) challenge amongst all the schools in the local area. Continuing his learning and exploration journey into cyber security from digital forensics and incident response to threat research and Open-source Intelligence (OSINT).
Topic of Presentation: Continuing this series will be a more advanced collection of topics pertaining to windows memory. We will be discussing the basics of Windows memory architecture concepts to further the understanding of memory layouts, while also exploring ways of extracting pertinent information regarding what a user may see in the GUI to time lining and reconstructing of events found within memory.